Abbot Jinwol of Gosung Monastery in California Attended the Committee of the World Council of Religious Leaders for Climate Change Response(Lotus Lantern 2022, Winter Vol. 90) > 해외특별교구소식(영문)


The Overseas Special Headquarters of
Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


Abbot Jinwol of Gosung Monastery in California Attended the Committee…

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일2023.02.27 조회719회 댓글0건


As a member of the Committee of the World Council of 

Religious Leaders for Climate Change Response, Abbot 

Jinwol of Gosung Monastery from Livermore took part in the 

meeting in London from November 9th to 13th. While COP27 

(Conference of the Parties, 2022.11.6-20) of the 2022 UNFCCC 

(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) 

was being held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, approximately 

one hundred religious leaders 什om around the world - 

Jewish rabbis, Catholic bishops, Buddhist monks and nuns, 

Hindu swamis, Sikh gurus, and more - gathered in London 

during the same period. Over the course of the conference, 

the religious leaders agreed to help raise awareness, address 

concerns, and come up with resolutions addressing climate 

change.The committee announced the 10 Spiritual Principles 

for Climate Repentance on Parliament Hill in London.

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