삼학 _ Three Trainings of Buddhism > 불교영어


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Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


삼학 _ Three Trainings of Buddhism

페이지 정보

작성자 성심행 작성일2016.04.21 조회2,956회 댓글0건


Three Trainings of Buddhism


A Buddhist is a person engaged in training to become a buddha. The three trainings consist of ethics, of meditation and of wisdom.


Training in ethics cultivates the virtue of non-harming and to practice and extend this virtue into every aspect of one’s life and into all one’s relationships. This means reflecting upon the consequences of one’s every thought, word and deed on others and the general atmosphere surrounding one’s life.


Training in meditation helps one achieve calm and clarity of mind. This training aims to make the mind supple, disciplined, clear, tranquil, focused and empty.


Training in wisdom results from the training in meditation. Meditation tends to make our minds still and insightful. When the mind is still we tend to see things more clearly and often realize deeper truths which are not clear during normal thinking. Thus, wisdom comes in connection with meditation.



- excerpt from Buddhist English (Elementary 1) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism 


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