참회 _ Repentance (懺悔; Chamhoe) ​​ > 불교영어


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Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


참회 _ Repentance (懺悔; Chamhoe) ​​

페이지 정보

작성자 성심행 작성일2016.04.21 조회2,915회 댓글0건


Repentance (懺悔; Chamhoe)


   Practitioners must be willing to change themselves. The first signal of this change is repentance for the wrongs one committed in the past. And if one truly desires to change, this repentance also applies to any wrongs one may commit in the present and in the future. Repentance is to regret one’s wrongs wholeheartedly, understand the root cause of those wrongs and not to repeat them. Thus, with genuine repentance, there are no wrongs beyond expiation.

Though Angulimala killed 999 people, he became an arhat because of his deep regret and repentance. The karma from unwholesome actions vanishes when one repents but multiplies when one tries to conceal them. Thus, no matter how trifle a wrong may be, you should eradicate it with repentance. If not, all one’s wrongs accumulate to pose a hindrance to successful practice. Therefore, do not think about repentance as being difficult. Pay respect to the Buddha by prostrating yourself in front of him and confess your wrongs sincerely. Then reflect deeply to understand why you committed the wrong so that you won’t do it again.

- excerpt from Buddhist English (Intermediate 2) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

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