칠불통계 _ The Verse of the Common Teaching of the Seven Buddhas (七佛通偈; Chilbul-tongge) > 불교영어


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Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


칠불통계 _ The Verse of the Common Teaching of the Seven Buddhas (七佛通偈; Ch…

페이지 정보

작성자 성심행 작성일2016.04.21 조회3,024회 댓글0건


The Verse of the Common Teaching of the Seven Buddhas (七佛通偈; Chilbul-tongge)

  In the sense that it is the verse taught by all seven Buddhas of the past, it is called “The Verse of the Common Teaching of the Seven Buddhas.” This verse is found in two Chinese scriptures: the Sutra of the Appearance of Light (出曜經) and the Dharmapada (法句經).

   ​Not to commit a single unwholesome action, but to do all that is wholesome.

​   To cultivate a pure mind — this is the teaching of all Buddhas.

Unwholesome actions exert unwholesome influences on self and others. Unwholesomeness refers to the three basic afflictions of greed, anger and ignorance. Greed arises from attachment to what one likes while anger arises from opposition to what one hates. Anger makes one unable to see things in the proper perspective. Ignorance refers to being foolish and without much wisdom.

“Wholesomeness” refers to a state where unwholesomeness is expunged. It also means that one’s mind is free of greed, anger and ignorance. Buddhism places importance on the issues of “wholesomeness and unwholesomeness” because of its concern with putting belief into practice. All sentient beings have Buddha nature, and thus, they can become Buddhas by attaining enlightenment. They attain Buddhahood by cleansing and purifying their minds. Whenever greed, anger or ignorance arises in one’s mind, one should fill their mind with generosity, loving-kindness and wisdom. 

- excerpt from Buddhist English (Intermediate 2) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

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