진언 _ Mantra Recitation > 불교영어


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Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


진언 _ Mantra Recitation

페이지 정보

작성자 성심행 작성일2016.04.21 조회3,134회 댓글0건


Mantra Recitation 


A mantra or a short dharani (dhāraṇī) is a mystical utterance. They are the esoteric words or true words of the Buddha.

Words contain mysterious power. When words properly convey the human mind, they can exert strong power.

Within a mantra the vows of the buddhas and bodhisattvas are condensed. Thus, mantras have transcendental, sacred and mysterious powers. By reciting mantras, practitioners can attain mysterious powers, which will eventually lead them to buddhahood. That’s why, in principle, mantras can not be perfectly translated into any language.

Some outstanding mantras practiced in Korea are: the Thousand Hands Dharani, the Surangama Dharani, the Six-Syllable Mantra of the Great Luminous King (om mani padme hum) and the Mantra of Light (The dharani of Vairocana Buddha).

Mantra recitation should be practiced with the right frame of mind. One should imagine the limitless compassion of the buddhas and bodhisattvas in the depth of their hearts when reciting them. 

- excerpt from Buddhist English (Elementary 2) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

​출처 : 조계종 홈페이지 

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